App47 Blog

Stay up-to-date on the latest news, insights, and analysis from the App47 team including discussions of timely and relevant topics regarding enterprise mobility, Mobile Application Management (MAM), mobile app security, and other topics.

Merry Christmas from the App47 Team!

From all of us at the App47 team to you: Merry Christmas! We wish you all the best this holiday season, and hope your remaining time this year is merry and bright. We know we'll be kicking back with our families and getting some relaxing done before we start the New...

Looking Back: App47’s 2019 Year In Review

As we continue to close in on the final days of December, we thought that now would be a great time to look back over the past year. With 2019 drawing to a close, we all have a huge smile on our face as we think about what we've achieved and delivered this year. We're...

App47 Goes to CCISDA (Again)

California County Information Services Directors Association (CCISDA) 2019 Fall Conference Another year, another visit to California. For work, of course. Earlier this week, part of the App47 team headed to Squaw Valley--site of the 1960 winter Olympics!--to...

Happy Thanksgiving from App47!

From all of us here at the App47 team to you, Happy Thanksgiving! From our customers, who give us new ideas and keep our doors open, to our employees, who work hard to continuously improve our product, to our families, who put up with our crazy schedules, we can't say...

Happy Veterans Day from App47

On this Veterans Day, all of us at the App47 team would like to say thank you to those who are serving or have served our nation. You grant us the freedoms we enjoy on a daily basis, and we can't say thank you enough. As with many businesses in the D.C. area, the...

MDM, EMM, UEM: What’s the Difference?

Spend more than a few minutes on any blog that talks about enterprise mobility, and you'll likely see a flurry of terms: MDM. EMM. MAM. UEM. Those of us in the industry (ourselves included!) throw these terms around and often just assume that everyone knows what we're...

Debunking Myths About Enterprise Mobility

Think you know it all about enterprise mobility? Think again. All too often, we encounter IT leaders who haven't taken the time to really consider how a proper enterprise mobility solution could help their business. In many of these cases, it seems that myths...

EMM: The Center of Your Mobility Strategy

At App47, we often speak with companies that still aren't utilizing much (or anything) in the way of mobility management. While these companies have a variety of reasons for not implementing some form of EMM (or even just MDM), our answer is always the same: you're...

Get to Know App47 With Our New Explainer Video

Today, we're excited to announce the launch of a new explainer video to help you get to know App47. With App47, you can securely and efficiently deliver mobile applications to a diverse audience of employees or customers (or both). We pride ourselves on having a...