Secure Apps

App Security

Security threats and regulatory requirements for data protection are only growing. Earlier this year, we wrote a blog series on emerging threats and how to avoid them. In short, today’s threat landscape is ever-changing, and staying ahead of emerging security threats requires constant diligence.

From advanced, innovative threats to bone-headedly simple ones like employees taking screenshots of otherwise secure applications, there is no shortage of concerns for today’s IT leaders.

A seemingly endless number of threats creates a prioritization problem—a needle that can be difficult to thread. It’s easy to react by either keeping sensitive technology resources too inaccessible, hurting productivity, or expending too many resources by trying to exert exhaustive control (by, for example, implementing complex MDM practices in order to protect just a handful of sensitive tools). This overreactions risk negating the very value your technology toolkit seeks to provide.

The secret to getting the right security “mix” is carefully identifying the tools and data streams that need to be protected. From there, you can implement advanced security with focused controls.

App47 enables you to provide the targeted protection you need while keeping your team mobile and connected, avoiding complex and often unnecessary precautions while still keeping your data secure.

Pin Protection

Setting PIN protection or two-factor authentication for certain apps, for example, provides an extra layer of security when data needs to be protected. Customizable access controls mean the only people with access to apps are those who need it. And Time Bomb, which deletes application data when users or logins don’t meet certain criteria, keeps data out of the hands of the wrong people—just to name a few of the ways App47 helps you secure your apps.

To see how beneficial this can be, consider a financial services company that wants to move away from device-level control because it’s a constant administrative nightmare that requires multiple full-time IT support staff.

Layers of Security

The company identifies an app-centric strategy wherein they put several layers of security around an app that handles confidential financial data, while consolidating other features into an app that’s more easily accessible to non-advisor employees who don’t need access to sensitive data at home. Now, financial advisors can work from home, and other employees have far simpler access to basic tools and self-service options.

Mobile App Security

Security at the app level, then, can be a great way to secure data and streamline processes without the complexity that’s added through other approaches. Want to learn more? Contact us today.

Photo by Jason Blackeye on Unsplash