App47 Blog

Stay up-to-date on the latest news, insights, and analysis from the App47 team including discussions of timely and relevant topics regarding enterprise mobility, Mobile Application Management (MAM), mobile app security, and other topics.

App47 Turns 8: 8 Years of EMM

It's hard to believe, but App47 turns eight this month! Eight years ago, in 2011, we had the bright idea to start a company designed to help businesses navigate the then-nascent industry of enterprise mobile applications. The market was noticeably different then than...

Mobile App Security, Part II: What’s Next

We kicked off our series on mobile app security last week with an overview of a couple key security features that are central to the App47 platform, including version management and authorized user controls. This week, we thought we'd continue the conversation with a...

Mobile App Security, Part I: App47 Today

If you're anything like us, security plays a significant factor in the daily goings-on of your business. In this digital era, IT leadership--as well as everyday employees--needs to keep a keen eye on security risks and vulnerabilities, while also taking steps to...

Merry Christmas from the App47 Team!

From all of us here at the App47 team to you, Merry Christmas! If you don't celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays. As we mentioned here on our blog last week, 2018 was a wonderful year for App47, and we hope it was for you, too. There's plenty to look forward to in...

What’s Ahead for App47 In 2019

It's hard to believe 2018 is coming to an end, but here we are. And we're happy to say that 2018 has been a great year for App47. This has been a good year of growth, including new family members we call employees, and new customers using App47 to manage their apps...

Our 5 Favorite Christmas Apps Right Now

We're just two weeks away (give or take a day or two) from Christmas! Soon, offices around the country will thin out, folks will take vacations or travel to see family, and we'll wrap up 2018 and head into the new year. But in the meantime, there's still Christmas...

10 Must-Haves for Your MAM Platform

Sometimes, when talking to prospective clients, we find that they know they should have a MAM solution but aren't sure about what exactly that solution should entail. That's ok! Everyone has to start somewhere. If you're thinking about implementing a MAM solution at...

Happy Thanksgiving from the App47 Team!

From all of us here at App47 to you: Happy Thanksgiving. While we try always to be thankful, Thanksgiving is a particularly good time to be mindful and say thanks. We're thankful first and foremost to our family and friends who have stuck with us on our journey here...

On This Veterans Day, a Thank You from App47

This coming Monday, our country will celebrate Veterans Day, honoring those who have served in the armed forces. We'll skip the usual business and get right to the point: thank you to those of you who are serving or who have served our nation. It's because of your...

Enterprise Mobility Management: More Than Just Hype

These days, you'd think it would be obvious to most companies that they need enterprise mobility management. And yet, time and time again we're shown that that's not the case. While there are of course numerous reasons that a company may choose not to implement EMM,...

App47 Feature Spotlight: SSO Group Synchronization

As we’ve mentioned before here on our blog, a key part of the App47 model is our ability to customize the last 5% (roughly) of the product to better meet our customers’ needs. That looks different for every customer, of course. For some, it’s meant tweaking the...

Is EMM Dead?

"Put simply, Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) is dead and focus has shifted towards a unified IoT solution." Those were the words of SOTI CEO Carl Rodrigues in an interview with Enterprise Mobility Exchange's Jason Koestenblatt in which the two discussed mobile...