App47 Blog

Stay up-to-date on the latest news, insights, and analysis from the App47 team including discussions of timely and relevant topics regarding enterprise mobility, Mobile Application Management (MAM), mobile app security, and other topics.

Enterprise Mobility ROI: Not Just Snake Oil

In their 2014 survey titled the "State of Mobile Apps," MGI Research found that 71% of mobile projects deliver only average or poor ROI. Surely, then, the idea of enterprise mobility ROI must just be snake oil—right? Not so fast. We don’t doubt the accuracy of MGI’s...

Sell Mobility to Your Board with ROI, Not Novelty

At the Computing Magazine Enterprise Mobility and Application Management 2015 Summit a few weeks ago, Allergan’s IT chief Wei Wang told attendees that introducing enterprise mobility into the enterprise is less about impressing stakeholders with technology and far...

Enterprise Mobility: Headed for the Perfect Storm

Even if you haven’t seen The Perfect Storm, you probably have an image in your head of what a perfect storm looks like. If you’re anything like us, you probably imagine high winds, rough seas, and heavy rain, all of which combine to make the storm of a lifetime. Would...

Recap: App47’s Spring Release Webinar

A couple weeks ago, the App47 team hosted our Spring Webinar. With our Spring Release, we wanted to take some time to review our current product and answer questions from potential App47 clients. In the webinar, we walked through our current product and showed how to...

4 Choices for Secure Smartphones

Security is one of the most overlooked aspects in a typical smartphone user's list of features, when it really should be the first. Luckily, there are plenty of options for businesspeople who use their smartphones to increase productivity in the workplace that have...

11 Must-Have Tools for Small Businesses

Surviving as a small business these days is tough. Thriving in the face of competition is even tougher. Large, well-established organizations often have more resources, more manpower, and better tools, all of which position them for success. But that doesn’t mean...

How to Transition to a Paperless Office

Our world is increasingly going paperless, but the transition hasn't come quickly or easily. A Loyola University report noted that the average office worker still utilizes 10,000 sheets of paper per year, or the equivalent of about two pounds of paper per day. Whether...

Wrapping Up Our Series On Mobility Use Cases

This post concludes our series on mobility use cases. For previous parts in the series, see: Introduction; Part I (B2C); Part II (eCommerce); Part III (Enterprise). Over the past few weeks, we’ve covered three big mobility use cases for the App47 platform. From...