App47 Blog

Stay up-to-date on the latest news, insights, and analysis from the App47 team including discussions of timely and relevant topics regarding enterprise mobility, Mobile Application Management (MAM), mobile app security, and other topics.

What’s Your Dialpad Solution?

As Heather Clancy explained in a recent article for FORTUNE, desk phones chain workers to one location. Businesses need phones, of course, but proprietary telecom equipment is expensive. Business telecom, it seems, is in need of a bit of a reinvention. Cloud startup...

Betting on IoT for future success? Not without EMM

According to a report recently released by British telecommunications provider Vodafone, 8 in 10 businesses are betting on the Internet of Things for future success. In fact, as Computer Business Review notes, half of those (4 in 10) are already fully up and running...

App47 Feature Update: Full iOS Crash Log Integration

For mobile app developers, few pieces of post-deployment data are as important as crash logs. It’s valuable to have information about who is using apps and how often, but if developers aren’t able to see why and how frequently their apps are crashing, long-term app...

App47 Feature Update: Changes to Geodata

For our clients whose businesses span city, state, or national borders, knowing exactly where their mobile apps are being used is essential. Having a way to look at who is using apps and where can provide valuable insight about an app’s adoption, and enables companies...

App47 Customer Success Story: AppNotch

We talk frequently about the features and functionality of the App47 platform. But as most customers know, it’s one thing to hear about how good a product is from the source—and it’s another thing entirely to hear positive comments from a happy customer. Our team...

What Employees Want (In a Mobile App)

What do employees want in a mobile app?  Writing for CIO Online, Sarah K. White discusses how companies can create apps that employees actually want to use. As she sees it, enterprise mobile apps should keep the user in mind through every stage of development—just...

4 Signs MAM Is Right for Your Business

We talk a lot about enterprise mobility adoption rates, the benefits of mobile apps in the enterprise, and even what’s up-and-coming in the industry. But, as anyone who’s ever looked into enterprise mobility solutions knows, there are a number of different deployment...

Mobile Apps Aren’t Just for Employees

When many companies hear “mobile apps,” they immediately think about the most obvious user group: employees. That makes sense. After all, we spend a lot of time talking about the benefits of mobility in the enterprise. From gains in productivity to cost savings over...