App47 Blog

Stay up-to-date on the latest news, insights, and analysis from the App47 team including discussions of timely and relevant topics regarding enterprise mobility, Mobile Application Management (MAM), mobile app security, and other topics.

Why App47?

Why App47? That's a question we were forced to confront recently. A company that uses App47 recently got a new CIO. He decided he wanted an app store--a feature of App47 that this client didn't use--and in going through the due diligence process, he had a number of...

The Surprising Cost of Bad App Design

Ever wonder just how much of a negative impact poor mobile app design can have? Look no further than this recent online survey [PDF] by cloud communication provider RingCentral, "An Anatomy of App Overload." "In today's workplace, employees us an array of apps to work...

New Website, New App47

In case you haven’t noticed, things are changing at App47. The changes started (publicly) with our proclamation in January that 2018 would be the year of the embedded app store. In that blog, we mentioned that, while momentum around mobile apps continues to build,...

Now Live: Changes to Our Agent Technology

Last year, we announced that we were working on a handful of changes to our agent technology. Today, we're pleased to report that these changes (plus a few others) are live. Although we hinted at what was coming down the pipeline in that post last year, here's what...

Going Digital With the Enterprise Machine

It's 2018. Surely that means that everything that could be digital is digital, right? Not quite. A staggering amount of companies--some App47 customers, some not--still have large suites of products that aren't yet "digital." That is to say, their products are on...

App47 Turns 7

In a few short days, on January 21st, App47 will hit a big milestone: 7 years in business. When we opened up our doors in 2011, the mobile app market looked quite a bit different than it does now. Consider a few milestones: the iPhone was, at that point, just 4 years...

In 2018, Embedded App Stores Will Be King

Predicting the future is always fun. To close out 2017, we put together a high-level view of what we think is in store for this year. The mile-high version is that, as we stated, the enterprise mobility market is still only barely tapped. Thankfully, there appears to...

Merry Christmas (and Happy New Year) from the App47 Team!

What we do wouldn't be possible without you--our customers, readers, and friends--so we hope you have a terrific holiday season with family and friends. We're enjoying a quiet Christmas and New Year, and can't wait to see what 2018 holds for us. If you're looking for...

Looking to the Future: What’s in Store for 2018?

2017 was an exciting year for App47. As we discussed last week in our year in review, this year, we traveled the world, made exciting improvements to our product, and talked on our blog about a number of key trends impacting our company—to name just a few highlights....

App47’s 2017 Year In Review

December is upon us! As we're just weeks away from 2018, the App47 team figured that now is as good a time as ever to look back on 2017 and see what all we've accomplished. 2017 was another exciting year for us. We kicked off this year with several exciting new...