App47 Blog

Stay up-to-date on the latest news, insights, and analysis from the App47 team including discussions of timely and relevant topics regarding enterprise mobility, Mobile Application Management (MAM), mobile app security, and other topics.

Recommended Reading? The Latest App47 Update!

Keep an eye on your in-box for the latest delivery of our quarterly e-newsletter. We're putting the wraps on a great quarter, and have lots of good news to share. Not to get too specific, but we're talking thousands of app stores, millions of events being processed...

Andy Glover Gets Real at MoDevTablet about HTML5 and PhoneGap

If you couldn't make it to MoDevTablet a couple weeks ago, you missed an outstanding knowledge-sharing environment. A highlight for us was the presentation by our CTO, Andy Glover, about HTML5 and hybrid platforms like PhoneGap. The good news is that the MoDev folks...

Hey, Who You Callin’ Little?

We have to say thanks to TechTarget for chronicling our decision of Loggly over Splunk with respect to wrangling our machine-generated log files. As the article reveals, we went with Loggly -- but not necessarily based on their small size alone. True, we're among the...

MoDevTablet and Hackathon: The App-termath

To say we had a good time at MoDevTablet last Friday would be like saying we think enterprise mobile apps might have some impact on performance, productivity and profitability. True to form, Pete Erickson and his pals know how to throw an outstanding app-centric bash....

Chris Talks Up Corporate App Store Value for ZDNet

What are the advantages for a company that bothers to build its own app store? ". . . simplified app distribution is just one of the benefits that stem from the fact that internal appstores are a curated list of pre-approved and vetted apps." So says our CEO, Chris...

App47 VPP Infographic Gets Kudos from Cult of Mac

Thanks to Ryan Faas over at Cult of Mac for giving our VPP infographic some extra attention. It's good to know that others empathize with VPP-induced frustration, and are looking for a better way to handle their enterprise mobile app purchase deployment. As Ryan...