App47 Blog

Stay up-to-date on the latest news, insights, and analysis from the App47 team including discussions of timely and relevant topics regarding enterprise mobility, Mobile Application Management (MAM), mobile app security, and other topics.

The Velvet Hammer of App Version Updates

Kicking off the first installment of App47's Summer Lecture Series, we want to examine the critical importance of managing app versions and updates. We’re in the midst of working on a platform feature improvement that further streamlines app management, so the topic...

Candor on App Store Cost and Control

A few days ago, I read and commented on Shane O'Neill's article in prioritizing the five must-avoid mistakes of enterprise app store deployment. Admittedly, I'm an advocate of app stores, especially when they can be easily implemented, with no need...

Plenty of Apps that Add Some Pop to the Fourth

When it comes to America's birthday, everyone starts thinking about what they'll be throwing on the grill. But there are also plenty of ideas about what you can throw on your tablet or smartphone. Whether you need to tend a burger to perfection, pick the right wine,...

What a Difference a Year Makes!

In case you missed our newsletter yesterday, today we're cracking the champagne (well a few beers actually) in celebration of the one year anniversary of launching our App47 mobile app management product! It's been an amazing 1st year and we're thrilled to have a...

It’s Time to Get Serious About MRM

One of the highlights from MoDevDC’s Enterprise Mobility Smackdown podcast was an insight by fellow participant Philippe Winthrop on what the next acronym of note might be with respect to enterprise mobile apps. When asked what's emerging from all the alphabet soup,...