App47 Blog

Stay up-to-date on the latest news, insights, and analysis from the App47 team including discussions of timely and relevant topics regarding enterprise mobility, Mobile Application Management (MAM), mobile app security, and other topics.

App47 Mobility Use Cases, Part II (eCommerce): ProPack

This post is part II of III in the App47 series on mobility use cases. For previous posts in the series, see: Introduction; Part I (B2C): Gannett/USA Today. If we were to ask you what came to mind when you thought about use cases for an enterprise mobility management...

App47 Mobility Use Cases, Part I (B2C): Gannett/USA Today

This post is part I of III in the App47 series on mobility use cases we introduced last week. Today, we’re covering a B2C/consumer use case with Gannett/USA Today. We know what you’re thinking: Gannet/USA Today sells newspapers and news to consumers—so what could they...

Kicking Off Our Series On Mobility Use Cases

Context is king. We’ve talked before here on our blog about how different customers of ours are using App47 to help meet their business goals. But, admittedly, many of those mentions have been in passing. Given this idea that context is king—that understanding how...

How to Use Technology to Protect Your Assets

Think for a moment about how hard you worked to earn your assets. You had to put in a huge amount of time at the office to afford that big screen TV and MacBook Pro. Likewise, you've worked to build up a great credit score. The sad fact of the matter is that one...

At App47, We’re All About Open Source!

Open source is quite the buzzword these days. It seems that every last thing you hear about is open source. So much so, in fact, that it can sometimes be hard to figure out exactly how it’s being used, or why. But as it turns out, at App47, we’re all about open...

Announcement: We’re Updating Our Platform This Month!

After announcing our goals to update our technology and focus more on security just a few weeks ago, we’re pleased to announce that the App47 team will be updating our platform this month! Although there’s a lot happening with this update, the two biggest changes are:...

App47 Turns 4!

We have big news, folks: App47 turned four this month! The enterprise mobility landscape is, unsurprisingly, quite a bit different than it was when Sean McDermott (current CEO of WindwardITS) and I first started App47 a few years back. Then, most apps were...

App47’s Resolutions for 2015

We’re already over a week into the New Year. Time really flies, doesn’t it? In light of the many millions of people all around the world who are using this time as an opportunity to get more fit, or lose weight, or be more kind to people, we thought it might be fun to...

App47 Is Ready for 2015—Are You?

Those of you who have stayed with us on the blog throughout this year (thank you!) have seen a year filled with all kinds of exciting news for enterprise mobility. We took a trip to Washington to connect today’s Congress with tomorrow’s coders. We saw Yahoo acquire...

5 Last-Minute Holiday Apps

It's almost Christmas! While some of us are scrambling to get last-minute gifts, others among us are getting ready to take off of work and get in the holiday spirit. No matter where you are during the holidays, Christmas apps are a great way to get in the spirit and...