App47 Blog

Stay up-to-date on the latest news, insights, and analysis from the App47 team including discussions of timely and relevant topics regarding enterprise mobility, Mobile Application Management (MAM), mobile app security, and other topics.

The Funding Rundown

In case you missed it, we've been crowing a lot about receiving our second round of funding. We think we're a good investment, and are working overtime to make sure that's the case. The announcement garnered some welcome attention in IT industry and business media...

Nine Great Biz Apps

With thousands of apps in the enterprise atmosphere, it's easy to get overwhelmed. We talk to small and mid-size biz owners all the time who understand that apps can be great for running a business; they just don't know where to begin. For us, the nine below are a...

App47 Announces New Round of Expansion Funding

Today, we're pleased to announce the completion of our $750,000 second-round funding. App47 Investors include: Valhalla Partners, which previously invested $1 million in first-round funding in January 2011, Clarabridge co-founder and CEO Sid Banerjee, Braun Jones,...

It’s Time to Get Over Mobile Phones

Next Monday, I’ll be speaking at App-Solutely Enterprise, a pre-conference networking event kicking off CTIA Wireless, which is being hosted by CTIA, 151 Advisors, and The Enterprise Mobility Forum. It promises to be a great day of connection and conversation, and I’m...

Do Your Homework Before You Dis MAM

We're still smacking our foreheads over the outright dismissal of the highly qualified crop of MAM providers that might be good candidates for purchase by Citrix in today's brianmadden blog. Naturally, we're predisposed to the merits of our own solution, but to claim...