App47 Blog

Stay up-to-date on the latest news, insights, and analysis from the App47 team including discussions of timely and relevant topics regarding enterprise mobility, Mobile Application Management (MAM), mobile app security, and other topics.

Merry Christmas from the App47 Team

From everyone on the App47 team to you: Merry (early) Christmas! 2016 has been a great year full of many exciting accomplishments and updates. We’ve updated the App47 platform, spoken to some of the brightest minds in the industry about what’s on the horizon for EMM,...

We’re Making Changes! App47 Gets a New API

All software matures. And today, we’re happy to announce that we’ve made some changes to the App47 platform that we hope will make user experience even better. In the coming weeks, we’re going to cover several updates to the App47 platform, including a brand new API,...

A New Era: The Enterprise Machine

We’re living in an era of mobility. Consumers use apps to help track their weight and fitness. To manage airline tickets and Chipotle coupons. To check the latest scores of their favorite teams. And enterprise employees are using apps to help manage inventory, boost...

Happy Thanksgiving from the App47 Team

From all of us at the App47 team to you: Happy Thanksgiving! As most do, we like to take the opportunity every Thanksgiving to, well, give thanks. We wouldn’t be here without the help of countless others who have worked with our company in some capacity over the...

Will IoT Change the Face of Enterprise Mobility?

The world of enterprise mobility has already undergone significant change in the last few years. With so many devices in the workplace today, assuming control over all employee devices with an MDM approach would be nigh impossible. Instead, many companies have moved...

4 Common Enterprise Mobility Mistakes to Avoid

Implementing an enterprise mobility program in your business can be a great way to boost employee productivity, improve employee and customer retention, and make a positive impact on your bottom line. But it isn’t all roses. A poorly executed mobility program can...

The 3 Biggest Obstacles to Enterprise Mobility

Despite the fact that employees want mobile-first work experiences, they aren’t getting them. As we recently discussed on our blog, a report by Sappho and Forrester Research found that 55% of companies have implemented three apps or fewer—a far cry from what many...

Are You Marketing Your Apps to Employees?

A few months ago, we discussed an interesting idea: in your enterprise, you don’t have users—you have “internal customers.” In other words, rather than treating employees as users who must use your app, you should think of them as customers—people with different...

You Don’t Just Need Apps—You Need an App Store

The idea of an app store is to give more empowerment for business users. It delivers a clear message: IT lets you use the best tools to perform your work, help yourself and take control. So it is not just an app store, it is a cultural change for IT and business.  So...

Not Tracking Performance? Don’t Bother With Apps

Are you tracking and testing the performance of mobile apps in your enterprise? If you aren’t, you shouldn’t even bother with apps. Okay—so maybe that’s a little dramatic. But the main premise of the statement holds true: if you aren’t tracking the performance of your...

Should You Embrace Shadow IT?

Few phrases in the enterprise are as polarizing as “shadow IT.” Shadow IT, which refers to the use by employees of apps or devices that are not sanctioned by the company, is widely debated. Some security professionals view shadow IT as an unavoidable reality; others...

5 Must-Have Back-to-School Apps

It’s that time again: time to start thinking about all the excitement (and stress!) that comes with the start of the school year. Before our kids go back to school, there’s lots to be done, from shopping for school supplies to mapping out carpooling schedules. And...

In Mobile Apps, Function Trumps Form

You’ve heard it before: form should never trump function. But often, it does. Consumers have all too much experience with that phone that doesn’t quite work right, or those shoes that look great but wear out too soon, or, apparently, that app that promises the world...