All software matures. And today, we’re happy to announce that we’ve made some changes to the App47 platform that we hope will make user experience even better.

In the coming weeks, we’re going to cover several updates to the App47 platform, including a brand new API, a new UI, and single sign-on support. We’ve put a lot of time and effort into making our product better for our customers, and we’re excited to share these updates!

We’ll start with what may be the most significant update: App47 APIv2.

After several years with our original API, we reached a point that we were familiar enough with its deficiencies that we really wanted to do things better. Of course, we haven’t started from scratch; APIv2 lets you do everything you could do in APIv1, with a few key enhancements.

The biggest change in APIv2 is our move from account-based access tokens to member-based access tokens. Under the old API, there was 1 API token per account. That token could, for example, create apps and delete users. In some cases, that’s a good thing, but it can also lead to trouble.

The member-based access token system means that each member has their own token. Moreover, all transactions by all tokens are audited. We have made all input and output names consistent and each output payload contains an MD5 hash to ensure that nothing was modified in transit. With these changes, we’ve increased our security posture with APIv2, which should be a net positive all around.

Finally, we’ve added several new APIs to the mix, such as retrieval of aggregated data that you can view today through the App47 portal.

For even more information about App47 APIv2, visit our update overview on Zendesk. And be sure to stay tuned in the coming weeks as we go through several other exciting updates to our platform!