How do you deal with a new terabyte of data per month? It’s definitely a learning process, and our always engaging CTO is going to share the gory details next Monday, March 25th at IKANOW’s Open Analytics Summit in Arlington, VA.

In a presentation entitled Lessons from the Trenches, Andy will discuss how the App47 team has used MongoDB as the backend of its enterprise mobile application management platform. Over the past two years, App47 has grown to be a standout MAM solution provider, which translates into managing data for millions and millions of apps. Engaging with Gannett/USAToday, for example, has meant data collection on more than 12 million data-delivering app instances alone.

Implementations of this magnitude taught the App47 team a lot about database management, and fast. There were plenty of growing pains and breakthroughs on optimizing a database instance.

Andy will share eight breakthroughs he and his team had during the course of working with MongoDB, from the imperative of replica sets and indexing to the impact of document size.

There’s still space available. Click here to register.