This summer has been conducive to a lot of conversation about the approaching “tipping point” of enterprise mobility. As we’ve noted in previous posts, the Gartner prediction about app store implementation (conservative as we think it is) has plenty of people giving serious thought to their mobile strategy.

As with contemplation of any new effort, serious thought also raises serious questions — and questions can easily become excuses as to why people are dragging their heels on enterprise mobility even though development, implementation, and management have never been easier.

Below are a few of the consistent concerns we’ve been hearing lately, and — more importantly — explanations as to why they are nothing to worry about.

1. Plug In Power

There are a lot of concerns about compatibility and cooperation with app dev platforms (e.g. Appcelerator, PhoneGap, etc.) The thing is, we have an elegant plug that matches up with each, making App47 MAM integration seamless. That means your mobile app management is as pain-free as your app dev.

2. App Store Standup

We’ve covered this a thousand times. So simple, even an MDM provider could do it! Try it here free for 30 days!

3. Embracing MDM

Speaking of MDM, we again urge caution when a provider presents MAM as an MDM add-on. It’s absolutely not, and is often a much better option. We have nothing against MDM, and are the first to propose combined solutions. Just work with a provider who will take the time to find out what works best for your organization.

4. Fear of BYOD

BYOD is last year’s worry. The great thing about total enterprise mobile application lifecycle control is that you know what apps are in your store, that they are updated, and which users have accessed them — regardless of device. No worries!

5. Lack of apps

We have you covered. Sure you’re going to want to add your own company apps, but you can also pre-populate the store with a nice suite of favorite business apps that we’ve already identified.

6. Satisfied with a Patchwork Approach

Over the course of your organization’s growth, you’ve cobbled together different solutions to communicate, collaborate and manage for the sake of your company performance. Be honest — it’s getting to be a real hassle to manage and maintain, right? There’s an app for every business need, and you can easily ensure access and use via your app store. Plus, you get hassle-free distribution and management. We promise, you won’t even break a sweat.

What else is keeping you from embracing enterprise mobility? Feel free to ask below. We’ll answer and you’ll see that there’s no better time to get started than right now.