We recently discussed crossing a significant threshold as Mobile Application Management solution providers. Two years ago, we launched our platform based largely on solid experience and solid intuition about what MAM should entail. As of this year, however, we started getting invaluable user feedback — insights that have helped us refine subsequent App47 iterations based on real-world customer experience.

As explained by Chris in a blog post last month, “[our most recent release was] especially exciting for us because these improvements were implemented in response to features our user base is requesting.”

Well, the trend continues, because less than a month later, we’re releasing another update that adds a feature our users have been hoping for: Self Service Registration for app store users.

Self service registration means a new level of managerial convenience for our clients’ control of their enterprise mobility lifecycles. The days of having to handle yet another repository for Usernames and Passwords are over.

Now, users just need to click on a self service registration URL via their device, then follow the familiar protocol of entering an email address, followed by creating and confirming a password. After that, a quick click on the Activate App Store button and the installation is underway. This is also especially well-suited to devices that might be tied to a vehicle or a kiosk, which are typically accessed by multiple users.

To our customers, we say thanks again for driving the development of a new feature that will really improve the usability of our MAM solution. Users can self-register, devices can self-provision.

So, what do you want next? We’re listening!