The big day is finally here: as of today, App47 is 5 years old!

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve celebrated this milestone by recapping our history and discussing our place in the market today. To build on that theme and wrap up our birthday series, we’re going to conclude our celebration with a look at where App47 is headed.

To get a better handle on what’s in store for App47’s future, it helps to loop in a conversation we had with a prospect the other day.

The prospect—a representative of a large foreign bank—got in touch with us in her process of searching for a mobility solution. She saw the value of owning the customer and employee experiences and having a suite of apps. She was well educated about mobility and wanted to deploy quickly—by Q2 2016. Security was obviously important to her and the bank, but again, she realized there are now multitudes of ways to manage mobile security in the enterprise.

There are two things that stuck out about this conversation. One was her company’s industry: banking. Just 2 to 3 years ago, it was practically unheard of for companies in the financial services sector to be serious about mobility—much less deploying in 2 quarters. The second was her general level of education about mobility. Again, her level of knowledge in our conversation was significantly higher than we’d normally have seen a few years ago. Back then, clients weren’t coming to us in search of a solution. We were going to them and convincing them about the value of mobility in the enterprise.

The number of new industries now taking mobility seriously (especially highly regulated industries like banking), combined with stakeholders’ high levels of education about mobility, shows us clearly that the market is more mature than it’s ever been. That bodes well for us.

Where are we headed? We’re headed towards a growing client base in a growing market with a product that’s evolving every day, and tailored to the specific needs of different companies.

As new markets open up and companies continue to get a better read on what exactly it is that they need, we’re in just the right position to help more organizations adopt enterprise mobility and find success moving forward.