We expected a bit of initial interest. We expected a little buzz. We didn’t expect the overwhelming response we’re actually getting on our Developer Edition, the free App47 platform that gives any company the power to create and manage its own enterprise app store!

We’ve received great positive feedback, a flood of sign-ups, and have started a slew of great conversations with folks as they work on their app store builds.

We’re looking to profile a few of the first builds within the next few weeks, so keep us posted as app store construction continues for your company. Share a comment here on the blog, or send us a tweet @App47Info tagged #myappstore.

For us, the free app store is just the beginning of a larger appreciation of the complete mobile application management lifecycle, and we’re looking forward to hearing about how everyone is contending with enterprise mobile app security, management, configuration and, of course, ROI.

Still thinking about trying it out? Why wait? It’s absolutely freeStart building your app store this week!