by App47 | Feb 6, 2012 | Enterprise Mobility
So, the game is history (congrats to the Giants on your Super Bowl win).We love upsets! They’re so — what’s the word? — Disruptive! Speaking of disruptive, now that the confetti has finished falling in Lucas Oil Stadium, you’re probably...
by cschroed | Jan 11, 2012 | Enterprise Mobility
The new year has kicked off with a barrage of commentary on the state of mobile devices. Without too much effort, you can find plenty of chatter from tech-industry writers and gadget gurus on the emerging hierarchy of smartphone, tablet, laptop etc. Interesting to...
by cschroed | Jan 9, 2012 | Enterprise Mobility
We’re in some good company after being accepted in to the ranks of MobileFuture, “a coalition of cutting-edge American technology and communications companies, consumers and a diverse group of non-profit organizations, working to support an environment...
by App47 | Jan 6, 2012 | Enterprise Mobility
Anyone contemplating mobile application development would do well to make it to CodeMash in Sandusky, Ohio, next week. Specifically, you’ll want to check out a pair of presentations by our own intrepid CTO, Andy Glover. In his first talk, entitled Rapid Android...
by cschroed | Dec 20, 2011 | Enterprise Mobility
We’re basing that assessment not only on what we do (though that makes sense from the perspective of gratuitous self-promotion, don’t you think?) but also because we’ve been clocking some great feedback and participating in so many conversations reinforcing that...
by cschroed | Dec 1, 2011 | Enterprise Mobility
Next year is shaping up to be the breakout year for Enterprise Mobile Apps. Tablets and smartphones have completely changed the tech playing field, and businesses are recognizing that success in the mobile app space for today’s workforce is no longer important...
by cschroed | Nov 17, 2011 | Enterprise Mobility
CMSWire had a provocative piece the other day suggesting that the PC has basically gone belly up; in it’s place, mobile devices that thrive because of the cloud. Eventually, in my opinion, the distinction of the end node or leaf device that the user interfaces...
by cschroed | Sep 19, 2011 | Enterprise Mobility
Over the course of the past couple months, we’ve talked at length about determining the real value of your mobile applications through effective mobile enterprise app management. It goes beyond downloads, is enhanced by good UX, demands smart infrastructure that...
by cschroed | Sep 8, 2011 | Enterprise Mobility
The mobile market is an environment where variability is, ironically, the only constant. From the continuous flux of user locations, to the increasing variety of devices and the corresponding OS permutations — the challenge of how to monitor, manage and update...
by App47 | Aug 5, 2011 | Enterprise Mobility, Uncategorized
In the latest edition of Inside Looking Out, App47 CEO Chris Schroeder sat down with The Enterprise Mobility Foundation, the organization behind the Enterprise Mobility Forum to talk about Mobile Application Management, mobile application development and more...
by cschroed | Jun 30, 2011 | Enterprise Mobility
As I travel back from the Mobile Computing Summit conference held in Burlingame CA this week, I’m trying to remember what air travel was like back in the days with no Wi-Fi. Internet on the plane is a great way to kill time on a flight and catch up on email (kudos...