With our fifth birthday as a company less than a week away, today, we’re going to continue our brief series recapping our history, current standing, and future. Last week, we talked about where we came from, so this week we’re going to continue and talk a bit about where we stand today after 5 years in business.
The short story is that we’re in a better place now than we’ve ever been since founding the company on January 21st, 2011.
The long story is this: our product has been up and running for four and a half years now. We support thousands of users. Our product is stable and continues to grow. From a research and development perspective, we are exactly where we should be. We continue investing in the App47 platform to ensure we stay ahead of the curve.
We’re also on solid ground from a marketing perspective. We have our best view yet of who our customers are, and where to find them. Though at previous points in our history we had questions about what our market looked like (and how to market to our target audience), the path forward is clearer than ever.
The market is also maturing, which is good for us in a number of ways. For one, a bigger market obviously means potential for more business. But it also contributes to the strength and development of the App47 platform. The companies we’ve worked with since the beginning have used MAM in some incredibly creative ways. As we’ve helped them, we’ve also built upon our product with newer, more creative features based off of those innovative ideas. The maturing market has helped inject a ton of great features across the board, making the platform better for everyone.
Put all of that together, and you can see why 2015 was our best year ever for revenue growth. 2016 is shaping up to be even bigger.
We’re on a growth path with true metrics—not just in a “the pipeline feels better” sense, but in true, measurable fashion. If things keep heading in the same direction, as we think they will, there’s nowhere to go but up for App47 and the rest of the enterprise mobility market. We couldn’t be happier to be in the position we’re in today.