Here on the blog, we’ve covered our extensive feature list in pretty great depth. So if you’ve been keeping up with the blog, by now, you ought to have a pretty good idea of what our mobile application management (MAM) platform can do.

So what’s the next step? Well, we’d certainly like it if you got in touch and registered right away. But of course, we’d understand if you wanted to get to know us a little better before taking that next step. And that’s exactly why we designed our free trial of the App47 Enterprise App Store.

Here’s how it works. To start, head over to our free trial page (it’s that big orange button on the top right of our site). There, you’ll see a few things, including a brief overview of the features and benefits of App47. What we’re concerned about right now is the registration form, which looks like this:

The registration form is pretty self-explanatory. Fill it out with all the required information (to start, we recommend preloading the popular apps with the check box below your password). After that, you’ll receive two emails. One to confirm your account:

And one to download App47 on your mobile device:

Start by confirming your account—you can install the app store afterwards!

After you confirm your account, you’ll be prompted to read to and agree to an End User License Agreement (we’ve all done those). Once you do that, you’ll be at the App47 dashboard!

This is where the magic happens.

With your free trial, we recommend starting by poking around the different tabs at the top of the page.

You might notice that certain pages (Manage—Configuration; Analyze, etc.) are disabled when you first log on to the dashboard. Web and internal apps have analytics, but public apps don’t, so we don’t enable the Analyze, and most of the Manage menu, until you create one of those types of apps. Once you create an appropriate app type—a private app for analytics, for example—these menus will be enabled.

Until you do that, however, you can still poke around the app store. When you click the app store tab, this is what you’ll see (if you preloaded the app store, at least):

You’ll notice that we preloaded the store with some of the most popular business apps from our experience. And if you look to the right of the app icons themselves, you’ll see room for information like total downloads and daily sessions. This is how you’ll track your users and see what your adoption rates look like across the board.

With your free trial, you’ll also have access to add users (to the right of ‘My Apps’), track emails sent on your behalf, and change branding—among other things.

While you’re first getting familiar with the trial, the App47 Wiki is a great place to get started. It’s loaded with information on how to use our platform so you can make the most of your 30 days.

With our free trial, all of App47’s features are fully functional during the trial period, so give them a try! Register some users within your organization and have them test out some of the preloaded apps (or any apps you choose to add). That will give you a feel for how the platform works, what it tracks, and whether or not it’s right for the needs of your business.

So—what are you waiting for? Head over to our free trial page to register and give it a shot. We’d love to have you on board. 

If you’d like to learn more about App47 or how to use our trial, please reach out to us in the comments or via the contact page of our site. We’d be happy to discuss our enterprise mobile app management platform, or any questions you have about our free trial. And If you run into any problems, don’t hesitate to contact our awesome support team at either or our Support Portal!