Anyone contemplating mobile application development would do well to make it to CodeMash in Sandusky, Ohio, next week. Specifically, you’ll want to check out a pair of presentations by our own intrepid CTO, Andy Glover.
In his first talk, entitled Rapid Android Development With JRuby, Andy is going to showcase Ruboto, a framework that leverages the power of JRuby to enable quick Android app builds. He promises a painless intro to building mobile apps, perfect for anyone wondering whether or not they should get in the game.
Soon after, he’ll host Ubiquitous App Development with PhoneGap, wherein he’ll elaborate on the advantages of the PhoneGap framework. It allows you to build HTML5 apps and still take advantage of native features like geolocation, the accelerometer, even cameras. The same web apps can be deployed on to both an iOS and Android device!
Hope to see you in Sandusky! Andy’s sessions will both take place on Friday, January 13, the first at 9:30 a.m., the second at 10:45 a.m. Set your calendar app and show up!