We’re basing that assessment not only on what we do (though that makes sense from the perspective of gratuitous self-promotion, don’t you think?) but also because we’ve been clocking some great feedback and participating in so many conversations reinforcing that notion.

When we were at the last MoDevEast Hackathon, which we recently raved about, profiled, and evaluated, we captured some deep industry insight on mobile app development priorities for the year ahead.

It was interesting to note that analytics and security — two of our favorite topics — are at the top of the list. The chart below offers a precise breakdown of response to our poll.

As we reflected on the results, we realized that this demonstrates, in our opinion, a kind of emerging maturity for our industry. It makes sense that such a booming technical concentration would spend its early years simply reveling in its own innovation. We’ve all been having so much fun coming up with ideas for apps, and then hustling to implement that the less-flashy stuff takes a back seat.

But based on the feedback of MoDevEast participants, the industry is catching its breath, getting ready to start thinking about performance, protection, ROI, monetization — the stuff required to move past the “flash in the pan” stage.

We’re pleased to see 2011 ending on such an enlightened note, and we look forward to the enterprise mobile app development evolution in 2012.